Blog PIC Management
Discover our tips to succeed your internship application and all the news about our destinations abroad.
Benefits of a Food and Beverage internship
Are you associating a food and beverage internship with cleaning dishes all day? Wrong! This article will outline the main benefits of food and beverage internships. All food and beverage …
How to learn a foreign language ?
When it comes to learning new languages have you ever considered this as overcoming some sort of limit in your life? Have you ever thought about …
Legal document to do an internship in Spain
Finally, you got your internship in Spain! That’s great! But after the happiness there are the administrative concerns, which are less fun…
The ultimate check list for going abroad
Are you excited to go abroad? We are thinking about you. Thus, we will provide you with a short checklist for your next long-distance journey …
What is to be multilingual?
Well, I could start by saying that to be a multilingual means you will not be so sure about your native language anymore. No, maybe I could say that you will not even realize in which language you are receiving an information …
8 tips for a successful skype interview
People all over the world are always wondering how they can increase their chance of being hired. Especially, students and graduates often do not know how to prepare for a Skype interview …
10 tips for your CV
A CV is the marketing tool to enter your future career. It needs to demonstrate that you are employable and meet the requirements of the job and the organization. We hope to support you! …
Why you should do an internship
If you are torn between whether or not to do an internship, you should consider these facts. The following article will reveal the incredible benefits of doing an internship…