Assistant marketing

Marketing Assistant Internship

In a marketing internship you will provide your support to the already operating team in order to reach the objectives defined by the marketing director. Thus, he performs a broad range of tasks linked to direct or product marketing or market researches. He handles scheduling, marketing events organization, marketing business trips, helps preparing projects… The position is therefore quite versatile. The marketing assistant is usually operating with a marketing executive. Yet, if he has the abilities required, he can also be given a medium-sized project to oversee in autonomy.

Tasks of an Marketing Assistant

Here are the main tasks that a marketing assistant can undertake:

  • Creating contents: landing pages, blog articles, social media…
  • Creating campaigns and sending mails or newsletters.
  • Benchmarking and competitive intelligence.
  • Follow-up of actions linked to press relations and institutional partners.
  • Strategic planning: content planning and management of schedules (campaigns, improvements).
  • Helping other departments according to their needs in communication medias.
  • Preparing sales pitches for salespersons.
  • Market research and targeting customers.

Available internships


Different fields of studies allow you to get a marketing internship abroad.

Obviously, you still need a specific education in marketing in order to have the knowledge required. Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree… Different levels of studies offer a major in marketing with different specialties. Obviously, the further you are in your education, the more responsibilities you can expect during your internship. For instance, going from an internship as an assistant to an internship where you could handle medium-sized projects.

Also, students in Business Administration can have the required abilities.

Students have to be enrolled in a university or a business school.

Skills and Qualities

If you want your application to be accepted for a marketing internship abroad, you must have certain qualities.

First of all, you need to have specific theoretical knowledge about marketing already. It is about mastering concepts, methods and basic tools of this discipline. If you are enrolled in one of the courses mentioned above, this requirement will not be a hindrance for you.

Furthermore, your writing abilities are determining. Sales pitches and promotional contents that the marketing specialist write are directly read by the company’s target. It is therefore necessary to have a perfect syntax to convey a professional image of the company. As the internship will take place abroad, you also have to be very comfortable with English and even with the local language if required.

Finally, your rigor and organization are important for this versatile position. You have to be able to manage different tasks at the same time.




Analytical Skills


Writing Skills


Local language (if required)

 Skills developed during a marketing internship abroad

Your marketing internship abroad will allow you to improve on several domains.

Thanks to this real-world experience within a company, you will be more comfortable with marketing in general. You will have the opportunity to apply the methods that you have been taught like writing contents, spreading it on different channels, touching a specific target… After this fulfilling experience, you will be able to refine your professional project and apply to your next internship with more confidence.

Given that the internship will be abroad, you will have the opportunity to improve your language skills. English, Spanish, German… it will depend on your destination. Nowadays, it is important to fluently master English, or even a second language. Working in a team will allow you to exchange and interact with foreign people daily. In the field, your ability to speak would improve rapidly. Of course, it will also allow you to add a new asset to your CV. Companies are more and more internationalized and their target markets are spread worldwide. It is a mandatory competency on the job market.

Finally, you will be able to develop a whole new set of cross-disciplinary skills for your future career. Adaptability, as you will live in a country with a different culture and working methods. But also, your creativity, versatility, rigor… just to mention a few. All these values will be useful for your future, professionally as well as personally.

A digital marketing internship is a great way to practice what you have learned at the university !

Available internships

More information

  • Our marketing internships are available all year long. You can be in the end of your studies, in a gap year or in-between two academic years. We can find what you’re looking for!
  • It is better to apply about 2 months before the start of your internship. The idea is to have as many internship options and destinations to your disposal as possible.
  • Most of our Marketing internships are available for 6 months. As tasks need a proper training, companies are looking for student on a longer period. Yet, it is sometimes possible to negotiate 5 months internships with some partners. Occasionally, we have this kind of internship for 3 to 6 months.
  • Being a digital marketing assistant will give you the chance to work with an expert and learn all the tricks about this position.

This is just general information and trends, the best, in order to have a full feedback on what you are looking for, is to contact one of our consultants:

We offer the following destinations for an internship abroad as an assistant marketing in hospitality: Spain, Ireland, UK, South America, Mexico … Discover here all our marketing internships abroad.