Why you should do an internship

Why you should do an internship

Fév 15, 2017 | Candidature, Réussir son stage

If you are torn between whether or not to do an internship, you should consider these facts. The following article will reveal the incredible benefits of doing an internship.

A practical experience is the perfect way to begin a long and successful career and even earn college credits. Let us take a look at the most common advantages:


  • Professional Contacts
    Every contact you make within or outside the business can be valuable for your future career.  If you make a good impression at your internship, the company will recommend you to others. For instance, supervisors or the human resource manager will write you a reference letter that will be critical for your success. Nowadays, most jobs are obtained through networking and doing an internship is a way to reach more professional contacts.
  • Industry Knowledge
    An internship will enable you to gain knowledge you will not learn anywhere else. It is the chance to be exposed to real world problems. It is the point when you can finally apply your theoretical knowledge in practice.
  • Increased Confidence
    Working for a company, will show you how you can impact the success of the company. This experience will give you an evidence of your own abilities.
  • Possible Career
    Did you know that according to the National Association of Colleges & Employers NACE Statistics, 60 % of the college graduates with an internship received at least one job offer?
  • Resume Boost
    We know how difficult it is for students to show off with work experience. Studying and working sometimes just doesn’t go along well. That means that an internship for instance in the summer holidays, is the perfect solution to gain some practical experience.
  • Personal Growth
    Not only will your CV benefit from the experience, YOU will. Being abroad and getting to know a different culture in the work place as well as in your free-time will be an unforgettable life experience.
  • One Step Closer
    Even if the area of the internship did not interest you, take it positive. Now, you can narrow down your list of potential careers.
  • Myriad Possibilities

Nowadays, you can choose internships in diverse fields such as Sales & Events in Mexico, Front Office in Panama or Marketing in Barcelona. We are here to support you! You can live & work anywhere in the world, improve your language skills & stand out from the crowd.

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